The Closed Trip

In November Alex and I celebrated 15 years together, 10 of those married. We have lived in 2 states, 3 cities, moved 8 times, and have 3 beautiful children. What we have never done is take a trip that was solely planned just for the two of us. It’s not for lack of trying. Our first attempt was 5 years ago but due to the sudden passing of Reagan it was pushed out a year. One year later we were pregnant with Ryan and the Zika virus was prevalent in the Caribbean so I was not medically cleared to travel. We chose to cancel at that time rather than push out again. In 2019 we booked a cruise again for November 2020. This was it. This was going to be the year we finally took that trip together. Then the pandemic happened. So for the 4th time the cruise was rescheduled and it’s looking we may set another record in 2021 when it gets rescheduled again.

So when the cruise wasn’t happening in 2020 we decided we were still going somewhere. So just a few weeks prior we picked Jackson Hole, Wyoming. We had grand plans of hikes, wildlife, Yellowstone, we were going to see it all.

  • Flights booked ✅
  • Hotel booked ✅
  • Jeep rental ✅
  • Research done ❌
  • Activities scheduled ❌

EPIC FAIL on those last two items on the vacation planning to-do list. Y’all, we basically chose to visit Jackson Hole during the 2 1/2 week period in which virtually everything is closed. Literally the whole town is shut down. It was crazy and we didn’t know until we got there. So the trip was VERY different than what I think either of us expected but in the end I am thankful it turned out the way it did. We had the best time just being with each other. Each day we would just go off exploring in our Jeep. We found wildlife in the wild. We hiked and worried about hunters. We made snow angels and had a snow ball fight (well really Alex threw snow balls at me). We adventured through Grand Teton National Park, Elk Refuge, and Grand Teton National Forest. We spent time in Wyoming and 30 minutes in Utah. We ate at the same 4 restaurants all week. It was a grand adventure and a small adventure all in one. It was perfect.

I took my real camera with me and out of the 400+ photos ended up with 60+ keepers. From there I spent months agonizing over what to do with them. Initially I thought I would choose just 1 photo and have it printed on a massive canvas to hang in my dining room. I chose 4 and asked friends to weigh in. There was a clear front runner but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. So I went back to the drawing board and settled on 6 printed and framed photos. Each have a special meaning or story behind the photo.

Day 1, Bambi

This Day 1, Bambi photo is from the first full day of our trip. We woke up that morning and had a plan of where we were going to go. On the way out the door we stopped at the hotel “restaurant” (it was closed) to pick up breakfast (pre-packaged pastries and fruit). As I was getting coffee a staff member greeted me and asked where we were headed. I shared, he said no. We needed to go to Gros Ventre Road and Kelly, Wyoming. We were sure to see a ton of wildlife in that area he said. He even shared photos from his phone from the day prior of moose along Snake River in that area. So off we went to Kelly, Wyoming via Gros Ventre Road. Y’all we drove for miles and miles and miles. Not a single animal in sight. Nothing. We went off the paved roads and down what we thought was a snow covered dirt path. We went until we couldn’t and then parked and hiked up a hill. Still no animals. Beautiful scenery but no animals. So we ventured back. Then decided to take a left turn and headed up a mountain road. Then there it was just prior to this bend in the road. Our first wildlife sighting. We couldn’t believe it. We squealed with excitement. As we got closer we realized it was a deer. A deer of all things. Seen those 1,000 times before but I guess we had never seen a deer in Wyoming?! 😂 check that off our bucket list. 🦌

Oh the eagle. 🦅 Alex was the driver for the entire trip and I was the navigator and wildlife spotter. I was excelling at my job as navigator but just meeting expectations with the wildlife spotting. 👀 so as we were about to give up on the morning of day 2 and head back in to town for lunch Alex, while driving the vehicle, spots a bald eagle. Perched a top the trees, across the road, down the valley, beyond the river, atop the trees. Somehow he spotted it. So we pulled off and parked. I took this shot from atop the spot where we pulled off but wanted to get closer. I told Alex I was going down and across the river. He said no. I didn’t listen. 😂 It was 15 degrees out and while the water levels were low there was no real way to cross other than stepping on top of some rounded rocks and hoping to keep my balance and not slip. It seemed like a solid plan. My first attempt failed. I retreated back and then Alex decided he was coming with me. He made it across no problem. I tried again and slipped, right foot goes into the icy water. But I made it and off we hiked. Mind you it was open hunting season while we were there, which we didn’t know until we arrived because again no research, and I was wearing all black. No bright colors on my person at all. We get across the valley and I take some closer shots of the eagle. They sucked. Not my favorite and the original far away ones were much better. 😂 so we turned around and headed back. We meandered along the riverbanks and I took this second photo as we made our way back. I slipped into the water again (same foot) on our way back across. Again, Alex stayed dry.

Day 3, Circle of Peace, Prayer, and Meditation

We ventured down a dirt road and then up a single lane, snow and ice packed dirt road. You know the kind that you can’t see around the corner and the side of the road is just a cliff down the mountain. That’s the one. It was a white knuckle kind of ride. Anyway, we got to a clearing about halfway up the mountain and decided to pull over and get out. I walked towards the edge and there were these rocks stacked and in a circle. I felt such peace standing there in the middle of the rock circle. Looking out over the valley below and at the mountains in the distance. It was eerily quiet. Just alone with your thoughts but I didn’t feel alone. The rocks were evidence that others had been there. That others were there.

Day 5, She’s All Dressed Up

Remember when I said we didn’t do any research?! Well that is a key element behind this story. We had planned to visit Yellowstone on this trip but what we didn’t know is that the ONLY entry during this time of the year is on the north end. We were south of the park. So after days of snow and debate we decided there was a small window to try and make the drive around through Utah and to the north entrance. So off we went. We should not have. 😂😂😂 As we made our way through Wyoming and into Utah we passed many beautiful sites. One was this red bridge. It struck me at how vibrant it was in the midst of the landscape. Just as we passed this bridge and I snapped this picture Alex looked at me and said “you are dressed up today. Why?” I chuckled and said “what?” He said “you have an actual sweater on, and jeans, and earrings, and your lips are shiny. You’re dressed up to drive in the car.” I did have on jeans and a sweater…an upgrade from my usual yoga pants and T-shirt I guess. The earrings were nothing special. My lips were chapped and I couldn’t find anything but lip gloss. 😂😂 It made me laugh that this was now what was considered “dressed up” for us but made me smile because he pays attention and loves me regardless of what I wear or look like.

At the end of the trip I was so thankful to have this time with my husband. It was nothing and everything I expected all at the same time. I can’t wait for our next trip. ♥️

Until next time,


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